I'm happy to announce that starting in December, Cecilia Altamirano will be working at Idle Hand! I've been the only girl tattooing at the shop for the last 5 years so now that there'll be two of us you can expect lots of cat fights, tampons, emotional breakdowns, and bon bons in the shop. Oh and more Tegan and Sara on the stereo!
So last week when I told you about my plan to interview the artists, I forgot to say that we want to hear what questions you'd like answered. You can post them in the comments section here or email them to me at holly at idlehandsf dot com.
We've got the art walk coming up on Friday, December 4th. Hightower will be playing from 9-10pm and we're going to be doing $60 Get What You Get Tattoos. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait! Next week I'll go into more detail about that night but I just want to give everyone a head's up that the Lower Haight is where you're going to want to be next Friday night.
Here are some pictures of things we made this week:
Jason Donahue

Jason Donahue


Start of a coverup, Holly

This is what Iggy made last week. I got to visit him on Sunday and he is such a precious little baby!
Jen and Iggy have a blog where you can read about Magnus and send them your best wishes.
We've all got them in our hearts and minds this week and send all of our love to them tomorrow while Magnus is in surgery.
Have a happy, fulfilling Thanksgivin everybody! And a happy ThanksFishin to my Lower Haighters!!