
Magnus Opus

Well it's been one of those weeks where things are a little quiet as far as things to write about. Everyone has been busy working and drawing so that's exciting but pictures speak louder than words in that department. I was trying to think of things to write about in the coming weeks and it dawned on me that our clients ask us a lot of the same questions; how long have you been doing this? what got you into it? where's the weirdest place you've tattooed? etc. etc. and I thought it would be nice to interview the artists who work here so you can get to know us a little better.

I thought I would start with Iggy for a few reasons. He's our grumpy old man (or he WAS a grumpy old man...not so grumpy these days), with a long history in the business and in San Francisco, also, he's been here from almost the beginning of the shop's incarnation. He's seen it's many transformations and has been a huge part of those. He's also a pretty interesting person with interesting thoughts and ideas. His son was also due to be born December 8th and I wanted to get him in before he went on paternity leave. Well the interview is going to have to wait because Iggy called the shop two days ago and cancelled all appointments because it was looking like his little guy was ready to enter the world. I got the word this morning that Magnus Ulysses Vans was born, strong and ready for what life has in store for him. Everyone at the shop is so excited to meet this little baby with a big name! Little Magnus is blessed to have such awesome people for parents. We just want to let everyone know how happy we all are for Iggy and Jen!

Welp, that news trumps all other news at the shop so I'm just going to post the weekly photos!




Jason Donahue


Jason Donahue


Jason Donahue












It's weird because I took this as a color photo and it came out all old-timey...

Over n Out
Holls Balls