

I met TJ almost exactly 6 years ago. I was living in Austin and I came to San Francisco to meet family. A mutual friend introduced us. TJ had just opened Idle Hand; April 1st, 2004 is the anniversary. By September I had gotten rid of most of my belongings, save for my dog, my bed, tattoo equipment, painting supplies a few other things and was living in San Francisco, working at Idle Hand on Haight Street. I had (and still have) a magnet that showed the Haight/Ashbury sign I got when I turned 16 on a family trip to San Francisco. It's on my fridge. We had my 16th birthday dinner at Benny Hana's. We rode the trolly and my brother got cat-called in the Castro.

Idle Hand was not what it is today. Initially it was me and TJ. Andy came in October. Iggy came in December. I remember the day each of them walked into the shop. I guess those memories are for a different blog entry but they were important days in the history of Idle Hand. Maybe to sum it up quickly I can tell you what I remember the most is how TJ welcomed them into our "home" in an unconditional way. Whatever was in their past was in their past and they were here now and they were part of the family. He was like that with everyone he brought in.

Years have passed and TJ and Andy are gone (but still family!) and Iggy remains as one of my best friends and my Captain at Idle Hand. He and his wife Jen just had their first child in November and Iggy's been on paternity leave, taking care of his baby through, as most of our clients and friends know, 2 heart surgeries and with that, some trying times. I think I started this blog around the time of little Magnus' birth. In respect to their privacy, I've only posted a few times about them. I try to keep this blog focused as much on the happenings in the shop as possible, but because of how close we all are, that line gets blurred some times.

We had some new additions to the shop right before and after Magnus was born and so I've been excited for Iggy's return; 1, because his presence is undeniable in the shop and 2, because his presence is undeniable in the shop. ha! What I'm trying to say is Iggy is back at the helm on a regular schedule of Tuesday, Wed., Thurs, and sometimes Saturday. His computer is fucked. His boss (Magnus) keeps him up at night and occupied during the day, so his photo postings have been and will be limited but you should know he's back in the shop.

So quit playin' with your ding a ling and get a tattoo like this guy did:

 Iggy did this on the original Vanilla Gorilla the other day. If you don't know who that is, get your booty down to Bender's.


"Sometimes I wish I was a Jellyfish"


 * * *

I started this backpiece of King Kong, with "plants" and San Francisco behind him. I am anxiously awaiting our next session. I'm really enjoying this tattoo (except the butt clenching, that was kinda unexpected)

This is the 3rd session on this tattoo. Portraits are hard enough, but make them small and put them on the ribs and you're looking at Holly having extra sweaty armpits.

But! Probably not as sweaty as Jeremy's armpits were when this guys was suiting him up in his armor so Aaron could photograph him for a painting.

Obviously totally worth it though. The dude in this awesome painting is the dude tying Jeremy's bonnet.
(Painting by Aaron)




(Cris is in New York again. You should check his blog for updates and photos...Link to his name on our list of peeps on the top right...too sleepy to copy and paste right now.)

love you xxoo xxoo holl to the eeeee

p.s. next post will be photos from our 6 year anniversary dinner on forbes island. mostly of cris and adam molesting the pirate lady. thanks tracy for the disk of pictures! mu ah hahahahaaaa.