
Am I the Only Person Who Felt That Earthquake This Morning??!!

One of the great things about working in a tattoo shop is the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people. There is a constant flow and change-over of clients, co-workers and guest artists. This week will hold a couple big changes for Idle Hand. We are sad to announce that today will by Bryce's last day at the shop, and his last week in San Francisco. We're excited for him and his new adventure he's about to embark upon in New York but we'll miss him and hope he stops in to say hi if and when he makes it back to the city by the bay.

 Bryce really givin' it to Isaac

As for new and interesting friends rolling through we're excited to have Tomas Garcia tattooing at the shop for a couple days. He's originally from Barcelona and currently works at Tattoo Paradise in Washington D.C. He'll be here Tuesday June 29 and Wednesday June 30 before he heads up to Santa Rosa to tattoo with our friends at Faith. He's an awesome tattooer and you'd be nutters not to get tattooed by him while you're here! 







Jason and Cris are back from a successful trip to the Sacramento Tattoo Convention:

Jason tattooing in Sacramento



Aaron's been keeping himself busy with painting, tatttooing and making babies. If you haven't gotten the chance you really should go check his paintings out at FIFTY24SF :

Haricots Magiques
Porous Walker with Kristin Farr & Friends

Through July 26, 2010
FIFTY24SF Gallery
218 Fillmore St
San Francisco, CA




I still haven't edited my New Orleans photos but I will! I promise! And I'll share them with everyone! So here's some stuff I've been working on in the meantime:
This is the 3rd sitting for Marcus and his King Kong tattoo. I can't wait to get into that crack!

This is based on a Gustave Dore painting.

It seems like I only use black ink these days. I'm having a lot of fun with it, though!

I think this is our 4th sitting for this tribute to John's pooch. I'll be putting more black in next time.

That's it for today! See you soon, friends...